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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Banana Oatmeal or Why My Boyfriend is the Awesomest

I am a creature of habit in some ways. I am one of those people who once in a while lose their keys because I get distracted and instead of putting them away, just toss them down or leave them in a pocket. You know, the darn things aren't where they “belong.” If I step out of my routine, I admit, I get a bit grumpy.

I do this with food too, and sometimes that gets me in a rut. I was complaining about this to my boyfriend last weekend. See, I usually eat one of two things during the week when I eat breakfast at home: yogurt and fruit in the summer or oatmeal in the winter. Delicious, simple, and well, boring unless I throw a little variety into the mix.

I prefer to make stove-top oatmeal. It’s healthier than most store-bought, instant oatmeal out there, and certainly tastier than the vast majority of the healthy ones. The problem has become that I was making apple cinnamon oatmeal. That’s it. This was the complaint I voiced to The Man.

Now, I have to (brag) tell you that my man is amazing. I find myself often just staring at him in wonder as to how I got so lucky to have a guy like him in my life. He’s intelligent, funny, thoughtful, loving…and he almost always has a smart answer (whether that’s in the “wow that’s a great idea,” or the “you are such a smart aleck” sense varies) when I have these obviously earth-shattering issues.

So I tell The Man I’m getting a bit tired of apple cinnamon oatmeal (not that I don’t love it) and he immediately comes up with that perennial favorite maple with brown sugar, which my reaction to was something along the lines of, “Meh.”

Then he says, “What about banana? You have a freezer full of over-ripe bananas.”
You could do banana chocolate chip.
*ding ding*

The man. Is clearly. A genius.

I didn't do the banana chocolate chip the first time. I had a hankering for something a little simpler so I left off the chips. This time, the chips went in. Both were divine.

This also let the floodgates of ideas open. I’m thinking banana/date next time around.

Banana Oatmeal
1 Cup Water
½ Cup Rolled Oats
Dash Salt
One Over Ripe Banana
1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Condiments: chocolate chips, brown sugar, maple syrup, half and half… Your imagination is the limit!

Combine water, banana, cinnamon and salt in a small pot. Bring to a boil.

When the water comes to a boil, stir in oats.

Lower the heat to about medium, and cook for about five minutes, until soft and thickened, stirring occasionally. Use this opportunity to smash the banana against the sides of the pan to break it up a bit.

Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract.

Move to a bowl and top with whatever condiments satisfy your hankering. I am a fan of brown sugar and a touch of cream myself.


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